Time for a new deal at NJIT

What is United Council of Academics at NJIT (UCAN)?
All Graduate Student Assistants, Graduate Student Teaching Assistants, Graduate Student Research Assistants, Postdoctoral Research Associates, Research Associates, Research Architects/Engineers/Scientists, and University-paid (non-grant funded) full time Teaching Fellows are members of the United Academics at NJIT (UCAN-NJIT) union bargaining unit.

What is in the contract?
A collective bargaining contract defines the pay you receive including raises. Members have already benefited from pay increases we bargained. Equally importantly, when we started negotiating NJIT did not offer full health benefits for graduate workers at NJIT. The contract protects tuition remission, and offers a legally binding grievance process for solving problems.

How can you help?
Set up an informal department meeting to host an AFT representative to give a 15-minute overview of the contract and take questions about the contract and membership. Contact us to set up a departmental meeting.